The Polish Red Cross is the oldest Polish humanitarian organization being a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Its basic statutory objectives, apart from conducting humanitarian aid operations and activity in the field of social care and assistance, are education and development of the activity of children, youth and adults in the field of promotion of healthy lifestyle, safety and first aid, counteracting addictions, ecology.
The organization realizes its statutory objectives by:
- running educational, caring and social institutions;
- organizing training and workshops;
- conducting activity in the field of health protection, including the improvement of public health;
- implementation of educational programs;
- implementation of tasks consistent with the aims of Polish Red Cross, including public tasks commissioned by state and local administration bodies;
- recruitment and training of staff and volunteers needed to carry out its work.
Since 2004 the Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski has been running day care centers in the educational institutions of the city. The experience gained during the implementation of these projects allows us to plan further undertakings aimed at improving the level of education and acquiring new skills by the local youth.
The largest educational projects implemented by the Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross in Ostrowiec Św. in recent years include:
- 02.01.2018 to 31.01.2019 – "Wszechstronny rozwój gwarantem sukcesu” [Comprehensive Development as a Guarantee of Success]. Project co-financed from European Funds carried out by the Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross in Ostrowiec Św. in partnership with Fundacja Centrum Europy Lokalnej [Foundation Center of Local Europe]
- 01.11.2019 – 31.12.2021 - "A+ Kids". Project co-financed from European Funds carried out by the Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross in Ostrowiec Św. in partnership with the Agencja Rozwoju Lokalnego [Local Development Agency] in Ostrowiec Św.
- since 2004 "Running day care centers with elements of sociotherapy in educational facilities in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski” - financed by the Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Municipality
For several years, the Polish Red Cross has also been implementing nationwide educational programs for children and youth, such as: "Super Wiewiórka Przyjaciółka Oli i Kuby” [Super Squirrel, Ola and Kuba's Friend], "Dbam o zdrowie” [Taking Care of My Health], "Ratowniczek pomaga Ci pomagać” [Little Rescuers Help to Help], "Drogowe ABC” [Traffic ABCs], "Chroń dziecięce uśmiechy” [Protect Children's Smiles], and many others.
In the framework of the project "Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski – miasta OdNowa” [Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski – City Anew] the Polish Red Cross is carrying out the project “Akademia Współczesnego Juniora” [Modern Junior Academy].
The aim of the project is to strengthen the educational process by organizing a series of workshops for elementary school students that will develop their interests, improve soft skills and boost creativity, which in the future will translate into increased chances on the job market.
The project includes the following workshops:
- Young Explorer – workshops intended for 144 children aged 9-11 years aimed at encouraging their interest in the natural world, shaping the ability to use knowledge of nature in practice, building a research attitude, patience, perseverance and regularity, developing skills in using basic research tools, as well as in cooperation and teamwork.
- Creative Junior – involving 80 children aged 9-12 years. The agenda will include the basics of designing and sewing on the machine, creating objects in the 3D technology using 3D pens, techniques of making handmade jewelry, ornaments, occasional decorations and gifts (craftart)
- Young Explorer - Little Programmer – workshop dedicated to 240 children in 2 age groups: 7 - 9 years old and 10 - 14 years old, which will contribute to the development of interests and skills in the field of automation, robotics, programming, improvement of skills in solving mathematical tasks in line with the core curriculum, development of skills related to the designing and creating games and apps
-My Friend Photon – a programming lesson for the youngest with the use of Photon Edu robots, as well as apps and tools dedicated to this set
-Creative School - a series of workshops for 336 students and 168 teachers, the aim of which is to develop creativity and creative thinking, improve teamwork and effective communication, develop skills and abilities in the field of science and humanities, presenting one's own and the team' work, getting to know creative work methods and project work methodology. The conclusion of the workshops will be a festival of creativity.
-My Friend Photon – training for teachers intended to prepare them to conduct classes with the use of Photon robots and tablets adapted to the core curriculum of the Ministry of National Education and teach them how to use Photon Edu robots, as well as applications and tools dedicated to this set.