The 1st Session of the Youth City Council
On December 7, 2023, the first, exceptionally solemn session of the Youth City Council took place. The event was attended by Irena Renduda-Dudek, Chairwoman of the City Council, Artur Łakomiec, Vice Mayor of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Krzysztof Kowalski, Vice Mayor of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Arkadiusz Bąk – Chairman of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Assembly, along with representatives of the Youth Voivodeship Assembly, City Secretary Anna Niedbała, Agnieszka Rogalińska - Member of the County Board, Mariusz Łata – Head of the Department of Education, Health, and Social Affairs of the County Office, as well as members of the City Council and County Council. Among the guests were proud parents, teachers, guardians, and friends of the youth councilors. The proceedings of the Youth City Council began precisely at 15:45, led by Alan Turek – a 17-year-old, the oldest youth councilor by age. Subsequently, the councilors received their nominations from the Chairman of the Election Commission, Tomasz Gębka, and Member of the Election Commission, Beata Duda.
In the next item on the agenda, Chairwoman of the City Council Irena Renduda-Dudek addressed the assembly: "Dear Youth Councilors, the most important thing is that you are representatives of your youth communities, your voters, and the voices of these individuals you will represent in sessions. I have no doubt that you will carry out the duty arising from the oath taken with dignity, integrity, and honesty. Congratulations on your election, and we, the members of the City Council, are ready to cooperate with you. Your fresh perspective on many issues will facilitate our decision-making."
Next, Vice Mayor Artur Łakomiec spoke: "I am delighted with the extraordinary opportunity that today's inauguration of the Youth City Council of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski represents. This is a historic moment that attests to your readiness to engage in the affairs of our city and your willingness to lead these changes."
During the proceedings, the elected youth members took the oath and became full-fledged members of the Youth City Council. During the first meeting, the Council unanimously elected Armando Malesza as the Chairman, and Angela Mozal and Aleksandra Kwapisz as Vice Chairwomen. The Youth Council Chairman did not hide his satisfaction with the entrusted role: "It is a very responsible function; there will be a lot of work, a lot of diligence and honesty, but I look to the future with the best outlook. As councilors, we want to listen to the youth of Ostrowiec because, let's not deceive ourselves, we are the future of this city; we will be here in a few, a dozen years to work, live, develop our passions. Therefore, we primarily want to listen to the youth," he said shortly after being sworn in.
"Your task will not be easy. It will require determination, cooperation, as well as the ability to listen and understand the needs of different social groups. However, I am confident that you will successfully meet these challenges. Your diversity, creativity, and ability to cooperate are key elements that will allow you to effectively represent the youth of Ostrowiec," – Vice Mayor Artur Łakomiec addressed the Youth Councilors.
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